Effective Tips, Strategies & Smart Tactics For Your PPC Campaign!

A strategic approach can make a PPC campaign highly successful. For that, a PPC executive needs to be clear with his goals & objectives. In some cases, the PPC goals are crystal clear & obvious, like – increasing brand awareness, sales, leads & customer retention, but some specified goals require you to be extra considerable. It is suggested PPC advertisers should customize the paid media programs according to the sales funnel for the business. For example, the B2B business service provider experiences a long sales cycle because of the internal decision making & considering the point of view of each team member to come across a suitable solution for the business.

In this blog, we are going to talk about five goals that can be achieved through PPC programs:

Brand Awareness 

The primary purpose of a PPC campaign is to enhance the visibility of a brand & product. This goal aims at reaching the most relevant targeted audience. PPC display ads usually come out to be highly effective if keyword research is on point.

Next up, we have social media PPC ads – these are highly beneficial when targeting people with particular demographics or interests.

Some PPC experts are of the Make sure to bid on the generalized keywords. For example, A business that sells sewing machinery parts must bid on sewing machines & electric sewing machines.

But we suggest you use this tip at your own risk as it has potential cons. The CPC gets increased because of the irrelevant click.

Tip 1: Make sure to be smart when choosing keywords. Choose the keywords that are highly relevant to your searches. 

Lead Generation 

If your business is not interested in promoting the ‘Click & Promote’ sales model as it intends to gain leads & talk to the interested customers in person, PPC is something that can be of great use to you.

Tip 2: If lead generation is merely the motive of your PPC campaign, you must include CTAs like:

  • Book a free consultation
  • Book a free trial
  • Talk to our experts
  • Fill The Form

Conversion Optimization

If the end goal of your business is generating sales, you should target only those customers who intend to make an immediate purchase. The question is ‘how to find such prospects?’. It’s easy; all you need is to find the ways how the intending prospects make a search query. According to our research, the prospects with higher intent to buy things usually add these words in their queries:

  • Discounts
  • Guarantee
  • Warranty
  • Xyz under n (products under 3000)

Conversion optimization is a long & tiring process. It does not end by making a single campaign live. Besides, Remarketing tactics must also be focused on.

Tip 3: Make sure to keep updating the list of purchasers. It will prove beneficial when you have to run a repeat sales campaign.

Repeat Sales

First, we would like to clarify a potential difference between ‘Repeat Sales’ & ‘Remarketing Campaigns’. ‘Repeat Sales’ targets only those customers who have once purchased a product or a service from you & you want them to make another purchase. But when we are talking about ‘Remarketing Campaigns’, we are targeting the leads who were on the edge of buying a product, but suddenly a change in their behavior was noticed & they abandoned the cart.

Before making a repeat sales campaign Live, PPC Toronto experts need to ask themselves these questions –

  • ‘What would tempt the visitor to buy a product once again?’
  • ‘Are we adding any unique features to our product?’
  • ‘Which additional benefits are we offering?’

How Can You Double Up The Results From Your PPC Campaigns?

It requires the incorporation of some clever tactics in already built PPC strategies. There are many such intelligent tricks, but one needs to use his discretion to find out the suitable tactic as per the specific PPC strategy:

  • ONE Can’t Help You Win, But MANY Can!

Many PPC experts consider leveraging their ads strategy through one platform – A search Engine. It is a good way, but not the smart one. It can only help you win the required sales, But who doesn’t want more than expectations? That can only happen with the help of ‘Multi-Platform targeting’. Apart from targeting ads in Search engines, the individual needs to target them on social media.

  • Allow Your Ads To Have Extensions That Allow Users To Message Or Call You!

This tactic must not have been new if you have been running ads for ages. It ensures the user gets a chance to resolve his queries the minute he encounters them. Moreover, adding a message & call extension adds a touch of reliability.

  • Design Responsive Landing Pages 

Landing pages are a must for a good PPC strategy. But designing landing pages for desktop versions only may not solve any purpose. Since most people prefer to carry out searches through their mobile phones, it is needed to design mobile responsive pages.

  • Ad Copies Need To Be Compelling

Good content has the power to steal sales. From heading to description, everything needs to have a hook. No matter how compelling your PPC strategy is, everything will fail if you do not have compelling content. When you are writing the content, you need to ask yourself the following questions:

What problems do you intend to solve?

Why should users only buy from you & not from your competitors?

The minute you have answers to these questions, try to summarize them in 6 to 9 words & you’re done with the creation of a creative & compelling ad strategy.

  • A/B testing

PPC is all about experimenting & nothing can validate the results of your strategies other than A/B testing. Whatever strategy works for you, make sure to implement it in the forthcoming campaigns. But don’t get lazy & keep on following one strategy every time. It’ll make your campaigns suffer.


PPC is changing the course of marketing. Effective strategies can help you experience boosted results with continually rolling numbers for leads & conversions. This blog has covered all the essential tips, tactics and & strategies to help make a PPC campaign successful. If you find any of them beneficial, please implement them on your own & do not forget to share the results with us.

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