Everything You Need To Know About Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth Sensitivity

When the dentist, the layer of your teeth beneath the enamel is exposed, dental sensitivity typically results one tooth suddenly sensitive. Erosion (wear and tear) and gum recession (when your gum tissue pulls away from your teeth, exposing the roots) are two possible causes of this. Teeth roots include thousands of small tubules that lead to the interior (the pulp) of your tooth but aren’t protected by strong enamel. The nerve in your tooth is stimulated by stimuli like hot, cold, or sweet food through these dentinal tubules, which causes the pain you experience.  Additionally, to be a sign of cavities, gum disease, or a damaged tooth, dental sensitivity can also be a sign of other problems.

The most common symptom of tooth sensitivity is discomfort or pain while consuming cold, hot, sweet, or acidic foods and beverages. Cold air can sometimes be painful to breathe. Sensitivity can fluctuate over time. To be sensitive, you don’t need to feel pain from every typical stimulus; suffering from only one stimulus, like a cold, can be a sign of anything wrong. Speak with your dentist if you believe you have sensitive teeth. They can provide a diagnosis and make recommendations for a course of action.

What Causes Teeth To Become Sensitive?

There are several reasons for teeth sensitivity:

  • Brushing Too Hard

Sometimes using a hard-bristled toothbrush or using excessive force when cleaning your teeth can cause Damage caused while brushing tooth sensitivity. Your teeth’s protective coatings might erode over time, revealing tiny canals or hollow tubes that connect to your dental nerves. Extreme heat, acidic foods, or foods that are sticky or gummy can all damage these tubes, making teeth sensitive and uncomfortable. Using a toothbrush with softer bristles and brushing more gently is the easiest cure.

  • Receding Gums

The pink tissue that surrounds your teeth is called your gums. Your teeth’s roots are shielded and protected by it. However, poor oral hygiene, smoking, chronic illnesses like diabetes or HIV, excessive brushing, or hormonal fluctuations can cause gums to recede. Your teeth’s roots may be seen if your gums have receded. Roots are susceptible to a variety of conditions without the gums’ defense.

  • Tooth Grinding

Dental enamel is the strongest component in your body, however, grinding the teeth can deplete the enamel. The hollow tubes that lead to your nerves are found in the dentin, the middle layer of the tooth, A crack in the tooth which is exposed as a result. To find a mouth guard that will stop you from grinding your teeth, speak with your dentist.

  • Teeth Whitening Products

These products significantly increase tooth sensitivity. Speak to a dentist about teeth whitening for sensitive teeth if you wish to improve your smile.

  • Excessive Plaque

Plaque that builds after you eat is what you want to get rid of when you brush and floss. Too much plaque buildup can damage teeth’s enamel. Again, as the enamel that protects your teeth wears away, they may become more sensitive. Maintaining good oral hygiene regularly and visiting a dental clinic in Kochi for cleanings every six months, or more frequently if necessary, is the solution.

  • Crack in the Teeth

Even while a minor crack may appear to be insignificant, if it is ignored, it may spread to the root and begin to hurt. If the crack has not yet reached the gum line, your dentist can rapidly cure it; otherwise, extraction of the tooth would be the only alternative. Such fissures can even form in a filled tooth that has been restored, and they can be painful.

  • Mouthwash Use

If you have exposed dentin, several over-the-counter bottles of mouthwash include acids that might make your teeth more sensitive. The acids also cause damage to the dentin layers of the tooth. If you have sensitive dentin, speak with your best dentist in Kochi regarding using a neutral fluoride solution.

  • Recent Dental Procedures

Following dental cleanings, dental restoration implantation, and filling placement, people may experience sensitive teeth. Dental procedure-related sensitivity is transient and often goes away in four to six weeks.

  • Severe Acidity

The stomach acids, which have a high concentration and can destroy your enamel and cause tooth erosion as well as increase your risk of tooth decay, can be pushed back into your mouth by severe acidity and GERD.

Treatment For Tooth Sensitivity

There are certain treatments you can try to relieve the pain if you already have sensitive teeth. Some of these entail altering your diet or giving up habits that make your teeth sensitive, such as cleaning them too abrasively, using teeth whitening products, or grinding your teeth. Dental procedures may also be used as additional treatments to treat gingivitis or repair broken teeth.

  • Desensitizing Toothpaste

Desensitizing toothpaste can assist to reduce any dental pain you may encounter. For the effects to start acting, it can take a few uses. Even though the majority of this toothpaste is accessible over-the-counter, you may want to consult your dentist in Kochi for a recommendation because there are numerous varieties of desensitizing toothpaste.

  • Maintain Oral Hygiene

To prevent gum disease and decay from spreading to healthy teeth, it is essential to maintain good oral health. To keep the hypersensitivity confined to the affected area, adhere to the dentist’s dental health recommendations.

  • Healthier Brushing Habits

You might get rid of cold sensitivity by altering the way you clean your teeth. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush instead of a hard-bristled one, and don’t brush too forcefully. Alternate your toothbrush’s motion while being gentle. Brushing too hard can cause a little bleeding during brushing.

  • Visit The Dentist

You should probably schedule an appointment with your dentist when the sensitivity gets intolerable. Your dentist will inspect your teeth and do a thorough evaluation to determine the best course of action for treating sensitive teeth.

  • Avoid Acidic Foods And Drinks

The enamel is damaged by soda, sticky candies, and high-sugar carbohydrates. Instead, munch on cheese, milk, plain yogurt, fiber-rich fruits, and veggies. These will hydrate your mouth and aid in the fight against germs and acids that can erode your teeth. Saliva is one technique your mouth use to deal with them. You can also sip on black or green tea or savor a piece of sugar gum. Don’t hurry to brush right away if you do consume something acidic. Before you scrub, give some time .

  • Fluoride Gel

Fluoride is frequently utilized during routine dental cleanings. Your dentist might be able to recommend fluoride for use at home if you have sensitive teeth. Your enamel can safeguard your teeth by becoming stronger with the aid of fluoride.

  • Surgical Gum Graft

A little piece of gum tissue from another part of your mouth can be retrieved and attached to the problematic area if the gum tissue around your tooth root has receded. In addition to protecting exposed roots, this can minimise sensitivity.

  • Root Canal

Your dentist may suggest a root canal to treat issues in the soft core of the tooth if your sensitive teeth are painful and other treatments are ineffective. Even though this procedure may seem extensive, it is thought to be the most effective way to cure dental sensitivity.

Sensitive teeth can deteriorate if not treated promptly. You can safeguard your teeth and stop them from getting worse by taking immediate action and selecting the appropriate dental care solutions.

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