How is Technology Serving the Needs of Aged People?

Technology Serving

Technology Serving A majority of the population in the UK is over 65, a report suggests, and these numbers will likely be growing in coming years. The recent challenge that the older population faces is that they struggle to live independent lives.

Undoubtedly, you need to be healthy to live an independent life, and a majority of the older population falls ill as soon as they retire. However, tech experts are striving to invent the technology that assists elderly people in living healthily and independently.

Experts have emphasized the importance of providing assistive technology. The average age of both genders is over 70, and it is not possible for everyone to get shelter in an old age home. The increasing number of the elderly population is constantly outstripping the supply of old age homes.

This increasing pressure has prompted experts to deliver some technological products to assist the elderly population in living independently.

How technology is serving the needs of aged people

Here is how technology is serving the needs of aged people:

  • Artificial intelligence

A virtual assistant has been evolved that is supposed to meet the needs of caregivers and old people constantly. It is a chatbot that provides advice to care workers. It helps provide recommendations based on the information collected by them from elderly people.

Artificial intelligence success is not just limited to chatbots working as an intermediary between care workers and their clients. Another example is the use of sensors that collect data on the movement of such people.

Lidar sensors were installed in people’s homes in order to track their movement and physical activities. This will send the alert to care, workers if anyone falls. This is how these sensors would prevent elderly people from suffering injuries.

This support was round the clock, which means it was helpful even when the caregiver was not present there.

Although the use of artificial intelligence made some improvements in the life of elderly people, some experts have warned against its excessive use of it by pointing out some concerns like reduced transparency in clinical decisions, chances of breaching the privacy of patients, and increased risk of social exclusion.

  • Medical solutions to help people age well

According to a survey, the average life expectancy is more than 70 in the UK. Regardless of how long you live, the ultimate purpose is to live life in a better and healthier way. Many people catch severe medical conditions like cancer, heart attack, diabetes, dialysis, dementia, Parkinson’s.

It becomes tough to live life smoothly with these medical conditions. The government has also spent billions of dollars in order to invent treatments that enable people to live longer and healthier. Scientists are discovering new drugs that can kill morbid cells to rejuvenate your body.

However, these drugs have not been tested on human beings. The trial was conducted on mice. Experts are suggesting while AI contributes to purging anomalous cells, a healthy diet, social interaction, and exercise can help a lot.

Since dementia patients are rising with each passing day, there is a need to introduce a new lifestyle. Intellectual challenges and mental activities can whittle down the risk. Many people spend a lot of money to improve their life.

They are ready to pay for expensive treatments, and when they do not have enough money, they do not mind typing I need emergency money now in the UK in the search bar.

However, there is a concern about who will actually engage them with such activities. The working population is shrinking, and there are not enough caregivers to provide services to elderly people. A dignified life can be given to elderly people when you use technology to take up the slack.

  • Robots are being an emotional companion

Elderly people also need someone whom they can talk to. Social media sites and various apps that enable chat and video calls have been very popular to connect with friends and family living further afield. Still, there are some people who are lonely or who need more regular contact.

Here come robots. They will not be just for fun, but they will also help you get help with treatments. For instance, some robots have been designed to provide you with a therapeutic experience.

These robots can be an amazing gift for dementia patients. Some robots can be your assistants as they can help you with walking. Physical movement is essential in your twilight years. They can keep you moving. Although robots have been trying to become a companion of the elderly, experts have hinted at their limitations.

Robots are too big to handle. Sometimes people want them to act like real humans who can understand their feelings and be expressive. Soon a robot will likely become a mainstream product that helps reduce social isolation, but at the end of the day, they are simply a toy that lacks features that a real human being does have.

The bottom line Technology Serving

Technology is undoubtedly finding new ways to help the elderly live independently and healthily, but it has certain limitations as well. First off, it is an expensive investment. Robots can assist the elderly to some extent. Not everyone can afford them. Some people fund them with taken unsecured personal cash loans for bad credit, but repayments can be very challenging. It is advisable that you should not take on such a large debt in your twilight years.

Further, artificial intelligence cannot compete with human support. Older people need a companion whom they can sit with, talk to, and share their feelings. Robots have been designed in a way that provides you with assistance, but they cannot replace a human being. A robot will be a toy and can never become a human being.

Technology will keep figuring out new and inventing methods to help older people to live a smooth and healthy life, but there are still several drawbacks that need to be overcome to achieve that goal.

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