How Paperless Procedures Magnetise More Money

More Money

A single Email ID can save thousands of paper.

Thinking from the environmental side of things, it is the right thing to do. Even the mail IDs prescribe it to users.

According to the UK Government Waste Data Statistics, it has been found that organisations, from brands to institutions, end up wasting tonnes of paper each year.

Imagine the total price of these millions of sheets of pages! Now, calculate the amount you paid for all the paper your brand required in a year.


We might be thinking a bit on the commercial side, skipping the environmental value of the said matter. But it is also true that commercial paper wastage is ultimately environmental damage. If you can control it from now on, you might be able not just to save money but also to help your brand contribute to the environment.

We have decided to help you with the money-saving part in this post.

So, read on.

  • Paperless Office: Does It Save You Money?


You can get a 3000 pound cash loan without paperwork. Just find a lender online and apply for the money. The next thing you will know is that you received a notification from your bank stating that you have received the money.

However, you can still receive the money in cash if you want to get it that way. With a doorstep loan for the unemployed, one might get the same amount of money lent in cash. The lack of a bank account won’t also be a problem.

Now, it is time for us to know how going paperless can actually benefit your workforce.

And here is how that happens:

  1. Reduced Stationery Costs

The office cannot run without stationeries if it is an offline one. An online or a remote office does not have to worry about these issues.

From papers to fax to printing to presentations, and office makes a good investment in stationery.

Here is a list of the common things that might give you an idea of office stationery and how much you are required to pay for them:

  • Papers for writing and printing: With every 50 rolls of these papers, you are required to spend at least 58 to 65 pounds.
  • Business Cards: A pack of 120 business cards can cost you around 17 to 20 pounds.
  • Letterheads: These are a bit costly. Expect to spend from 32 to 48 pounds on letterheads that are specifically designed for your brand.
  • Inks for Printing: Printer inks come in a can worth 26 to 35 pounds. That price may increase by more than 9 to 13 pounds for special colours.
  • Pens or Pencils: You can expect a price of 1.30 to 2 pounds for each pen or pencil. But you need to buy them in a bunch to save money.

You have also got other expenses such as paper clips, paperweight, glue, craft materials etc.

Imagine what you can save if only you went online…

  1. Safety Is Reinforced by Going Paperless

When you look for a 3000 pound cash loan and find out that the loan can also be offered online, you smile (at least in your mind).

And you do that because it is comparatively a safer process.

Why wouldn’t you want that for your office, knowing these vital documents are involved:

  • Terms and Policies
  • Legal Documentation
  • Revenue Generation Evidences
  • Insurance Papers
  • Office Building Statements
  • Company Bank Statements
  • Accounting and other Financial Details
  • Tax Records
  • Credit Card Details
  • Employee Information Data

What if a fire breaks out in your office, and you lose almost 90% of this evidence? Do you know that you might need hundreds and thousands of pounds to restore the situation?

Instead, going paperless will save your data online.

  1. How ‘Paperless’ Saves Time (& Money)

Manually using paper is not a bad idea. But going paperless means shifting to online and digital.

And that is fast.

A study made by Forrester, which has been commissioned by DocuSign, The State of Systems of Agreement 2020, found out that most of the manual agreement processes slowed down both internal and customer associated workforce, resulting in the abandonment of deals and reduced rates in contact completion in 32% of respondents.

Manually dealing with work certainly makes sense. However, it is more time consuming for this era and cannot mature as an appealing way to market a brand and sell its products dynamically.

You don’t need to lose money for that. Earn even more money by going paperless.

  1. You Can Save a Lot of Space

When going paperless, you are not worried about the hassles of getting or, more appropriately, ‘buying more space’ for your office.

You can easily manage your space with an online/ digital documentation system.

If you have invested in these systems (which we will talk about in the concluding point), then you really do not need to purchase a larger area and all those bulky; heavy cabinets with long drawers etc.

What about excess papers?

31% of brands complain that they lack space due to excessive paper build-up in the workplace or office.  

Go paperless.

Save yourself from space issues (& get yourself some extra money).

  • To Conclude: Invest in a DMS


Well, you call a DMS a Document Management System in its full form.

A DMS takes care of a lot of tasks. A few of them are:

  • Records management
  • Electronic imaging of documents
  • Electronic content and document management
  • File storage and management

With a tool like this by your side, you don’t need to worry about physical documents. Even if they are destroyed by some unexpected accident, you won’t have to spend thousands of pounds for recovery.

You can try out DocuPhase as it is an automated platform for DMS. An enterprise might offer you customised solutions.

In addition, if you need some quick money to get started with it creating your own personal DMS, then you can always choose a cash loan to your door for the unemployed online.

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