You have developed a great website with aesthetic looks and a user-friendly interface. What now? Is it there for staring? Certainly not! The next thing is to catch the traffic and put your website to work. However, it won’t come around without effective web hosting, and the decision can test your nerves. Many site owners are confused between web hosting and self-hosting, and it looks like you want to make something out of it too. Don’t think too much! This post will guide you on why you should prefer web hosting over self-hosting with solid reasons. Keep walking with us to learn more!
Reasons to Prefer Web Hosting Over Self-Hosting:
Web hosting has always been a professional route to taking your website to the next level and satisfying your audience. It is all about online experiences, and professional web hosting providers can help you with that! Being a business owner, you never want to lose money or potential prospects due to bad experiences. Here are a few reasons why you should spend more money on web hosting rather than opting for a free self-hosted approach.
1. Reliable servers:
A web hosting company will allow you to count on their reliable servers that will never let you down on any front – not for too long. These hosting providers always take care of their servers and keep them running and functional. What’s more, if anything unusual happens to the server, they can quickly fix it – a facility not available in self-hosting!
Since server monitoring is critical for your business, these companies can do it for you. You don’t need to have the technical background to maintain the server, as experts already have said yes to you (Managed hosting solutions).
2. Website security:
Security is another excellent reason why you should opt for this solution. Web hosting companies always guarantee a secure solution, and they are true to their word. You can enjoy security audits, automatic updates, spam filtering, and virus scans to keep your website secure!
If your web server is secure, your website will automatically enjoy high-end security protocols. Choosing the right web hosting companies in Dubai will help you enjoy the best possible security solution for your site!
3. Technical support:
What if your server experiences a downtime issue? Can you fix the problem alone if you have a self-hosted approach? Certainly not without a technical background! Web hosting companies can offer you 24/7 technical support to keep your server and website running. Finding the error and fixing it can be a hectic task but not for experts!
If your website is down, you can lose business as potential prospects will click out. Why not prefer web hosting and allow experts to take care of your server and website? It sounds wise! You can spend money to make more money.
4. Better SEO ranking:
Being a business website owner, you can count on professional web hosting services to improve your overall business ranking. Better SEO ranking means more revenue as your website will be visible to your target audience, and they can close deals with you. Quality web hosting services can add to your SEO strategies, and search engines will trust your brand eventually!
Since professional web hosting can offer you faster load times, it can ultimately result in better organic searches. If your user experience is good, you will find trouble in ranking.
Drawbacks of self-hosting:
Why should you stay away from self-hosting? A few reasons will hit you hard as the decision can cost you in the long run. We have compiled a few reasons to avoid self-hosting and stay with web hosting. Let us dive deep into it!
1. No technical support:
Self-hosting has this major issue of technical support as you will monitor and fix the server on your own. What if you don’t have a technical background? Saving money on self-hosting is not actually a save, but you will spend more on fixing the problem by hiring a third party. Any trouble with the server or website means losing potential customers.
2. Hard to set up:
Self-hosting solution will require you to go through multiple complicated steps to set up the solution. These steps are hard to complete without taking an expert on your side as they often include:
- Sourcing a hosting provider
- Deciding on an eCommerce platform
- Experiencing an installation setup process
Instead of going through these complex steps, why not contact the web hosting companies in Dubai and opt for a managed hosting solution? It will help you save time and effort and enjoy an uninterrupted server performance!
Enhance your online performance with effective hosting!
Web hosting can play a crucial role in your website’s online performance, and you can count on it. With effective web hosting solutions, you can generate more leads and drive sales. Consider contacting the reliable web hosting companies and enhance your online business performance!