7 things you should never share on social media


The power of social media On social  Did you’ll hear the one about George Lopez? There are so many funny quotes from George Lopez that you’d have a hard time picking just one favorite. But no worries, we have a solution. In this article, you’ll find our favorite George Lopez quotes as well as some interesting facts about the comedian.

Your geo location on social

You might not realize it, but your smartphone is constantly tracking your location — and sharing it with anyone who has access to it.

That means if you post a photo of your dinner on Instagram, anyone could see where exactly you’re eating (or drinking) right now. And if you use Snapchat’s built-in map feature to share where you are (even if it’s just using a screenshot), someone else could find out where you are, too.

Social security number or other sensitive information about you.

Your social security number and date of birth are some of the most sensitive pieces of information you own, and they shouldn’t be shared on social media. If someone were to find out your social security number, they could open credit cards in your name or file for bankruptcy. They could also use your personal information to open a bank account or get a loan in another person’s name.

It’s important to remember that when it comes to sharing this type of information online, anything goes! You need to know that even if you’re sharing something with friends or family who have been trusted with this kind of information before (or even if you’ve permitted them), anyone can still see it online through a simple search engine query.

Personal/physical contact information on social

Your personal and physical  financial and personal safety.contact information should never be shared on social media.

There are plenty of reasons for this: you don’t want to make it easier for someone with malicious intent to find you, and you don’t want to have strangers show up at your house unannounced. If a friend or family member asks for your home address, politely decline. If they’re persistent about it (for legitimate reasons), give them an alternative way of reaching you like an alternate email address or phone number instead of giving out the one that’s linked directly with your residence.

Similarly, sharing too much detail about family members can invite unwanted attention from strangers who may wish harm upon those closest to us—so keep specifics about family members private as well as their location and work schedule/hours if possible!

Your password (even if it’s disguised).

It might not seem like sharing your password is a big deal, but the more information you share on social media, the easier it becomes for someone else to get access to your accounts and personal information. If someone gets hold of your password, they could potentially see everything about you—including things that are private or personal (like what brand of toilet paper you use). They could also use that information to hack into other accounts connected with yours (like email or banking), which could lead them to steal money from those accounts. This kind of thing happens all the time, so don’t let yourself be one of its victims!

Contact information for others social

Another thing to think about is that you may not be aware of the privacy settings of other people. Just because you want your information visible to everyone doesn’t mean that everyone else does.

They may have reasons for wanting their personal information kept private, and those reasons can range from simple embarrassment to more serious concerns about stalkers or identity theft. By sharing their contact details with others, you could put them at risk without even realizing it.

Also consider that once you share someone’s contact information online, there’s no guarantee anyone else will keep it private after they receive it. It could easily end up in the hands of someone who shouldn’t have access to it—such as a stalker or hacker—before long!

Family member names and photos.

While it may be tempting to post photos of your kids, or even their names and birthdays, think twice before sharing that information online. Photos of children are prime targets for identity theft. The same goes for any other information you might share about family members: full name, address, email address, and phone number are all pieces of data that could be used by hackers to access sensitive accounts or even take over someone’s online presence. It’s also important to remember that certain types of posts can expose your family members to cyber stalking, bullying, and other dangers—especially if they’re young adults who are living on their own outside the home supervisor-related grievances online

If you want to keep your loved ones safe from identity theft-related dangers on social media (and elsewhere), follow these tips:

  • Don’t post photos with recognizable faces. If there’s no way around posting a photo with a clear image of someone in it (like when posting something relevant like an award or party invitation), blur out any distinguishing features before sharing online.
  • Keep private info private! Don’t share personal details like phone numbers or addresses unless you know the people well enough that they would never use that info maliciously against anyone in your family—even if those friends agree not to do so themselves!

Your birthday and social security number or other sensitive information about you.

Your birthday is not just a date. It is a whole set of numbers, and those numbers can be used to steal your identity and do some other pretty bad stuff. When someone asks for this information, you should use the official name for that thing in question—for example, instead of writing “my SSN,” write “Social Security Number.” And give your reason why this information is sensitive:

The social security number (SSN) assigned to each American citizen at birth helps identify you in all kinds of ways, from getting hired for a job or opening a bank account to applying for credit cards or loans or even getting tax refunds. Because it’s as integral to our lives as Americans, it’s we must protect SSNs from falling into the wrong hands by not sharing them on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter (or anywhere else) unless absolutely necessary!

Another piece of personal information worth keeping private is our phone number; if someone gets hold of that they could easily use it to obtain other pieces of data using automated systems like robocalls!

You should keep sensitive information about yourself private.

  • Never share your Social Security number. While you may want to be identified as a social media influencer, it’s not worth the risk of identity theft just to get more followers.
  • Never share your address. The same goes for sharing your home address—and any other location that can make it easy for someone to find you in real life, like a school or workplace.
  • Never share your credit card number; doing so could result in financial loss and put your personal information at risk of being stolen by cybercriminals looking to commit fraud against you or others.
  • Don’t post telephone numbers on social media either—ideally, this should go without saying because we all know from experience that unwanted calls from strangers can be extremely irritating! But if you must provide a way for people who’ve subscribed through an app such as Instagram Direct Messages (DMs) or Facebook messenger then do so sparingly and only when absolutely necessary—and then delete them as soon after posting has occurred as possible too!

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